2017 Janken Reaction

hi, welcome to another post, this time i'm going to give my reaction/impression about the 2017 AKB48 Group Unit Janken Taikai that has just happened. first of all i want to give a shout out to Derek from 48Talk and also for everyone who join in the janken skype chat, it was really fun thank you and i hope for more in the future. Ok, now let's get on with the event itself. right, i actually missed the first 15 minutes of the event, i started tuning in just as they were playing MAX toki 315-go. after the performance we have the usual entrance of the MC and so on and so on. then finally we got to the janken itself, and the result are as following A1. nyamm vs Rupurenon (nyamm) vs (otsuyoi) nyamm win A2. Genghis Cats vs HIMEPARTY (HIMEPARTY) vs (Mariannin) HIMEPARTY win A3. Arinon vs 16EnpiChu! (16EnpiChu!) vs (Shirai Kotono) Shirai Kotono win A4. Okapa-zu VS Kokeshi Sisters (Kokeshi Sisters) vs (Dancing Cats) Kokeshi Sisters win nyamm vs HIMEPARTY = nyamm win Shirai...