Nogizaka46 Nigemizu Impression
Hi guys, Delta here, sorry for not updating for over a month, its been a very hectic month for me, i really don't have the time to update, so i'm sorry for that, i will update the blog if i can find some time.
anyway enough of that, let's get in to today's main topic, Nogizaka46 18th Single "Nigemizu" came out, and i know its very late but here are my impression for the single overall
The Cover

first its the cover of the single, and i have to say i really like it, very colorful and has a very summery feel to it, and i like how they actually go on location to shoot these instead of just studio shoot and then photoshop everything together *cough* AKB48 *cough*. my favorite is gonna be type B, where they all jumping, i think it looks really nice.
Song and MV
Next is the main part of the single, the songs and MV, they have a total of 7 songs in this single, all of them very good to be honest, here's what i think of all of them
Nigemizu (Senbatsu)
The title song of the single, at first listen it sounds like a Nogizaka song, its not too energetic for a summer song, but still sounds very good, the chorus is nice, its very catchy and get stuck inside your head, the only problem is probably the 10 second gap between the pre-chorus and chorus, it just doesn't work and almost ruins everything.
The MV is not bad, its certainly on the weirder side, the flow is classic Nogizaka MV, starting with the story and them finishing up with a dance part for the final chorus. story wise, as i say, its weird, it tells a story about the 2 centers (Ozono Momoko and Yoda Yuki) being a maid at a very big house, where they saw all sort of weird shit going on, i don't know, its just really weird, but visually it looks really good, especially the final dance part, it looks really nice.
Onna wa Hitori ja Nemurenai (Senbatsu)
The one song that they use for a tie in with the japanese version of Wonder Woman, it it does has its controversies, but i'm not going to talk about it, i'm just gonna give my opinion on the song. this song has a very nice sound to it, a very good rock vibe with the guitars and drums, the bassline is also very nice and catchy, and the vocal is also very good. the MV is a classic fallen hero story, the hero loose their power, got found and treated by some resistance force, regain their power and defeat the enemy, nothing special about the story. i like the post apocalyptic setting of the MV, i thought it looks really good, i also like the costume for the final dance scene, i think it looks really cool, especially Maiyan's and Wakatsuki's, those 2 looks really good in that costume.
Live Kami / Live Shin (2nd Generation)
a very funky electronic pop song, it has a very funky guitar part, and a very autotune heavy vocal, in a way it kinda reminds me of Shinoda Mariko's solo "Plastic no Kuchibiru", not my favorite but not a bad song. The MV i think is very good, both the concept and execution is great, it shows all the good stuff from the 2nd gen member, and i would love to have the T-shirt that they use in this MV, because they really are "The Right Stuff".
Mirai no Kotae (3rd Generation)
a cute song from Nogizaka's youngest generation, very cute, very catchy, and very summery. the 3rd gen have been very noticeable recently, and you can see why, they have a lot of potential talent in there. the MV is again very cute and summery, the school setting made them look young (well they are all actually young, but you get what i mean), all the members looks good and yeah, no complaint really. not my favorite but its really good.
Under (Undergirls)
this is probably the saddest song in the single but its also the best (for me at least). its very emotional but not too emotional that it made the members look weak (if you know what i mean), its just right and the members look good. i also like the flow of the chorus, i don't know why but its really good. the MV is a compilation of a lot of Nogi's old videos, like the senbatsu announcement and dance lesson, basically its a mini documentary of the Under Members, and it focuses on the members that use to be in the senbatsu (and also front line) but then got drop like Nakada Kana and Hori Miona (at the time), members that is in senbatsu but not in a safe spot and can be drop any time like Inoe Sayuri and Ito Marika, as well as the centers of the song Kitano Hinako and the graduating Himetan. honestly its a very good MV with a lot of story.
Hito Natsu no Nagasa Yori.... (Senbatsu with Akimoto Manatsu and Matsumura Sayuri center)
i think its the first time that Manatsu and Sayurin center a song, i don't know why they put the two worst singer in the group in the middle but hey its not a bad song to be honest. it sounds like a Nogizaka song with the piano and acoustic guitar being the main part of the song, the chorus sound a bit like AKB48's 365nichi no Kamihikouki but sped up a bit, but overall its a nice song.
Naitatte Iijanaika? (Senbatsu with Takayama Kazumi center)
to be honest i haven't really listen to this song properly, i only listen bits of the song so i can't really give a lot of opinion on this song, but from what i hear its not a bad song.
overall its another very solid single from Nogizaka46, its not as good as their previous single (Influencer), but its still a very good summer single, and it has to be good because the other group from the 48 side also putting out good summer single. and speaking of the 48 group, the next post is going to be about the 49th single. but until then
This is Delta
Over and Out.
and thanks to stage48 wiki for the pictures
anyway enough of that, let's get in to today's main topic, Nogizaka46 18th Single "Nigemizu" came out, and i know its very late but here are my impression for the single overall
The Cover

first its the cover of the single, and i have to say i really like it, very colorful and has a very summery feel to it, and i like how they actually go on location to shoot these instead of just studio shoot and then photoshop everything together *cough* AKB48 *cough*. my favorite is gonna be type B, where they all jumping, i think it looks really nice.
Song and MV
Next is the main part of the single, the songs and MV, they have a total of 7 songs in this single, all of them very good to be honest, here's what i think of all of them
Nigemizu (Senbatsu)
The title song of the single, at first listen it sounds like a Nogizaka song, its not too energetic for a summer song, but still sounds very good, the chorus is nice, its very catchy and get stuck inside your head, the only problem is probably the 10 second gap between the pre-chorus and chorus, it just doesn't work and almost ruins everything.
The MV is not bad, its certainly on the weirder side, the flow is classic Nogizaka MV, starting with the story and them finishing up with a dance part for the final chorus. story wise, as i say, its weird, it tells a story about the 2 centers (Ozono Momoko and Yoda Yuki) being a maid at a very big house, where they saw all sort of weird shit going on, i don't know, its just really weird, but visually it looks really good, especially the final dance part, it looks really nice.
Onna wa Hitori ja Nemurenai (Senbatsu)
The one song that they use for a tie in with the japanese version of Wonder Woman, it it does has its controversies, but i'm not going to talk about it, i'm just gonna give my opinion on the song. this song has a very nice sound to it, a very good rock vibe with the guitars and drums, the bassline is also very nice and catchy, and the vocal is also very good. the MV is a classic fallen hero story, the hero loose their power, got found and treated by some resistance force, regain their power and defeat the enemy, nothing special about the story. i like the post apocalyptic setting of the MV, i thought it looks really good, i also like the costume for the final dance scene, i think it looks really cool, especially Maiyan's and Wakatsuki's, those 2 looks really good in that costume.
Live Kami / Live Shin (2nd Generation)
a very funky electronic pop song, it has a very funky guitar part, and a very autotune heavy vocal, in a way it kinda reminds me of Shinoda Mariko's solo "Plastic no Kuchibiru", not my favorite but not a bad song. The MV i think is very good, both the concept and execution is great, it shows all the good stuff from the 2nd gen member, and i would love to have the T-shirt that they use in this MV, because they really are "The Right Stuff".
Mirai no Kotae (3rd Generation)
a cute song from Nogizaka's youngest generation, very cute, very catchy, and very summery. the 3rd gen have been very noticeable recently, and you can see why, they have a lot of potential talent in there. the MV is again very cute and summery, the school setting made them look young (well they are all actually young, but you get what i mean), all the members looks good and yeah, no complaint really. not my favorite but its really good.
Under (Undergirls)
this is probably the saddest song in the single but its also the best (for me at least). its very emotional but not too emotional that it made the members look weak (if you know what i mean), its just right and the members look good. i also like the flow of the chorus, i don't know why but its really good. the MV is a compilation of a lot of Nogi's old videos, like the senbatsu announcement and dance lesson, basically its a mini documentary of the Under Members, and it focuses on the members that use to be in the senbatsu (and also front line) but then got drop like Nakada Kana and Hori Miona (at the time), members that is in senbatsu but not in a safe spot and can be drop any time like Inoe Sayuri and Ito Marika, as well as the centers of the song Kitano Hinako and the graduating Himetan. honestly its a very good MV with a lot of story.
Hito Natsu no Nagasa Yori.... (Senbatsu with Akimoto Manatsu and Matsumura Sayuri center)
i think its the first time that Manatsu and Sayurin center a song, i don't know why they put the two worst singer in the group in the middle but hey its not a bad song to be honest. it sounds like a Nogizaka song with the piano and acoustic guitar being the main part of the song, the chorus sound a bit like AKB48's 365nichi no Kamihikouki but sped up a bit, but overall its a nice song.
Naitatte Iijanaika? (Senbatsu with Takayama Kazumi center)
to be honest i haven't really listen to this song properly, i only listen bits of the song so i can't really give a lot of opinion on this song, but from what i hear its not a bad song.
overall its another very solid single from Nogizaka46, its not as good as their previous single (Influencer), but its still a very good summer single, and it has to be good because the other group from the 48 side also putting out good summer single. and speaking of the 48 group, the next post is going to be about the 49th single. but until then
This is Delta
Over and Out.
and thanks to stage48 wiki for the pictures
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