Why I Left Sakamichi Squad Bandung TV

Hello and Welcome to another post, and for this one i want to be a bit more serious. There are some update on whats happening right now and what i'm going to do and make coming into the new year.

Some of you might have notice that both my personal youtube channel and Sakamichi Squad Bandung's youtube channel haven't been uploading anything for the past couple of months. The last thing that i uploaded was i think my interview with one of the member of the Idol Group LusCa, Yolland Shinla (which i promise the subs is coming soon), and we haven't uploaded anything since. Why, you might ask. Well i'm here to explain it.

First things first, what happen to my personal youtube channel? i uploaded 3 videos and just stops. 
Well, this was all on my part. I'm not a person who is comfortable at talking in front of a camera by myself, i'm not a guy who is comfortable at talking by myself in general. Which is why i always have a partner when i'm doing a video. So when i decided to create my own channel, it was a massive challenge to me, and sure enough, the result was terrible. I'm not satisfied at all with how i perform and i really want to change that. So i decided to stop for a second, re-think the concept of the channel where its comfortable for me and can be a good viewing experience for you guys, and i hope i can bring you guys new content in the beginning of next year.

So now, to the main part. Why there haven't been a new video coming out from the Sakamichi Squad Bandung TV youtube channel?
To understand the problem we need to go back a few months to August of 2019. So, in August i was informed that SSBTV will be one of the official media partner for the Sakura Matsuri 2019 event, near Jakarta. This was one of the biggest Japanese culture event in the country with a lot of support from big companies and also the government. At first, i was already ask to go there with the other crew but i decline, because its pretty far from where i live and its pretty expensive to go there, and it also happen that it the event was somewhat clashing with my campus schedule. But when the news that we were the media partner for the event came in, i was like "i have to go, this is a great opportunity." By the way, the event was on the 31st of August and 1st of September of 2019. So yeah, i decided to go, and a few days before the departure i gather the crew to talk about the plan on what we're going to do at the event because i have been making plans for the content we want to make there.
Long story short, we, well me and Lukman arrived at the event early because we have to attend the press conference while the others were still resting at my friends house that we were staying at. And we were surprised when we arrived, we were treated like actual journalist by the organizer. i thought to myself, "this is much more serious than i thought." And at that moment i suddenly switch to full on journalist mode and think to myself "ok, this got to be the best event video that i ever made."

UNFORTUNATELY, it seems like the other guys doesn't have the same mindset as me. They came late and just generally doesn't seem interested in working, yeah they interviewed a couple of the guest performer, but for the most part it was me that was running around and doing most of the work, and it was not easy for an event that big.

Anyway, the second day was pretty much the same, in fact its arguably worst, and i went home, feeling very disappointed, the plan that i was making for a whole month was ruin, and i missed some classes. and for the video, well you be the judge, all i can say is i'm not proud of it.

After Sakura Matsuri, there was actually 2 other event where we were ask to be a media partner of, i decided to not go to either event, which is why there is no video about it. I'm just not feeling it, for some reason its no longer enjoyable to go to events.

Finally i've had enough and a few days ago i ask Igo (one of the main crew) for a talk. I say everything that i wanted to say about the channel, the disappointment and everything. And it basically came down to, conflicting vision of the channel.
I'm the kind of person who takes things seriously, or at least i'm serious when i have to be serious. And i take SSBTV very seriously. when i first join SSBTV about a year ago, and when Igo give me the responsibility to be the creative director of the channel, i want to make SSBTV to be the best source to find Sakamichi related content and also make fun yet informative content about Sakamichi and the J-Idol culture in Indonesia. And for a few months, we did. We make some very good video with great feedback from both local and international fans.
But as time goes on, it seems like the others doesn't have the same mindset like me. They still think of SSBTV as just a past time project that they can do whenever and not take seriously. The quality of video started dropping, and the channel is just not as good as before. i know that everyone has their own things to do, whether its school, work, whatever, and i respect that and i'm not going to bother them about their personal thing. But when are together as SSBTV, i want to at least make a content properly first, then we can do whatever we want. But it seems that its not what they want, Igo told me that he want to make SSBTV just another side project, something that doesn't need to be taken seriously, we make video whenever about whatever, and without any clear concept or goal. Basically what they want to do is reverting back to the channel before i join. And i said "ok, if that's what you want the channel to be, so be it. But, i'm stepping down from the channel because you won't be needing me anymore."

And with that, i am now no longer part of the crew of SSBTV, reason being if they want the channel to be about whatever and whenever, you don't need someone to make things like schedule and video concept and all that, which is basically what i've been doing for the past year.
Now it doesn't mean i'm no longer a member of Sakamichi Squad Bandung, i'm still in the group, and probably will still appear in their video in the future, if they ever make one. I'm just no longer a part of the core creative crew of the youtube channel.

SO, what am i gonna do going into the future? well there's a few thing. there's this blog obviously, i have some plans on what i want to do with the blog going forward. I have my personal youtube channel, i hope i can start that in the near future.
And, i recently i've been revisiting my old hobby, Photography. i've been introduced by a friend to a community of Photographer called Replica.id, they're a community that focuses on Asian style photography. I already have some photos that i want to share with you guys, here on the blog and also on social media (twitter and Instagram), you can follow that if you haven't. FInally i can post something on my instagram again lol. And Replica also ask me to start a new Youtube channel for them. They know i have some experience in making video content and they want to make content talking about basic tutorial video on photography, asian style photography, photo editing, and just vlog video on when we do photoshoot.

So yeah, that's what i'm going to do in the next year, definitely looking forward to it, i hope you guys are interested in it as much as i do. Happy holiday to you guys, and i hope to see you guys again next year....

But until then
This is Delta
Over and out

Follow me
Twitter : @Delta2909_
Instagram : @davadelta98


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