Chapter I : The Outbreak
It was only a normal day………until it
BACK HERE YOU LITTLE……..!!!” a scream was heard from across the hall. A girl
with a ponytail hair suddenly run out the classroom and then running back in
through the back door. Moments later another girl with a straight black hair
and incredibly small head follow suit with an angry face but looking like she’s
enjoying herself.
two girl collided and was laughing together while lying on the floor. “Asuka,
that hurt a lot.” Said the girl with the ponytail hair, while still laughing
her ass off. “You started it.” Said the girl with the small head.
girl with the small head is Saito Asuka, a student of class 2-D of NOGI all
female Senior High. She’s just a normal girl living a normal school live. She has
two best friend, the first being the girl she was chasing, Hori Miona. The class
rep for class 2-D, she’s a diligent, smart, athletic, and reliable girl. The second
one is
guys, please don’t have a fight” said a small girl with a twintail hair. Her name
is Yoda Yuki, the smallest of the trio. Because of her small size, a lot of
people look down on her, and bullied her. She has no other friend except for
Asuka and Miona.
I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.” Said Miona while starting to sit on the floor.
“you better not” said Asuka while still giggling on the floor. “c’mon, get off
the floor, your uniform will get dirty.” Said Miona while patting Asuka on the stomach.
She hit quite hard and Asuka was startled by it.
hear that?” said Yoda, while walking toward the window. “it came from outside.”
Said Asuka, also curious about the sound, she walk toward the window that Yoda
was heading. The two look out the window and saw the forest that was located
behind the school building. A small part of that forest is own by the school
and was used by the scouts and mountaineering extra curricular as a place to
practice stuff. Survival probably.
probably just one of the scouts falling off a tree.” Said Miona casually.
bell rung indicating the start of the next lesson, History class. All 24
student take their seat. The class
arrangement is 4 column across with 6 row for each column. Miona as the class
rep sits at the first row, second seat from the door. Yoda’s seat is behind
Miona and Asuka’s is behind Yoda’s. its always been like that since first
you did your homework?” ask Asuka while patting Yoda on the shoulder. “no, you?”
said Yoda. “we’re screwed.” Said Asuka, putting her hand on her face. “Really
guys? C’mon hurry up.” Said Miona while giving Yoda her notebook. “you’re a
savior.” Said Asuka. Both Asuka and Yoda quickly copied Miona’s work.
afternoon girls.” Said a beautiful woman walking into the classroom. Its miss.
Shiraishi Mai, a history teacher and also the homeroom teacher for class. “right,
everyone let’s see your homework now.” Said miss Shiraishi while pulling out a
book from her bag.
night, Asuka, Miona and Yoda came together at Asuka’s dorm room. It’s a daily
thing that they do, they would go to each other room everyday to do assignment,
watch movies, and just hang out. Tonight is movie night, and they go to Asuka’s
room because she has the biggest TV. Yoda was in charge of the snacks and Miona
bring her personal collection of Horror movie.
which one should we watch first?” said Miona excitingly with a big smile on her
face. “how about this one?” ask Asuka while pointing at ‘The Ring’. “that’s
pretty good, but I kinda want to watch a western movie today” answered Miona
while picking up ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’. “umm, this one” said Asuka, picking
another movie. Yoda meanwhile, is sitting in the corner with a concern face. “you
know I don’t like horror movies right?” said Yoda. “relax, its not like they’re
real.” Said Miona. “And we’re here with you anyway, so don’t worry.” Said Asuka
comforting Yoda. “Ok.” Said Yoda reluctantly. “you know what, let’s just watch
this, its not that scary.” Said Miona while picking up ‘Resident Evil :
Retribution’. Miona then put the CD into the CD player. Miona turn off the
light, and the trio then sits on Asuka’s bed with Miona in the center
hours have past, and the end credit rolled. Miona’s eyes we’re fixed to the
screen the whole time while holding a large bowl of popcorn, Asuka ended up
sitting on the floor, while Yoda, as expected, she’s hiding on Miona’s lap
under Asuka’s blanket.
was fun.” Said Asuka while turning on the lights. “I hate you guys.” Said Yoda,
still wrapped under the blanket. “c’mon, don’t be like that, by the way, you
look really cute.” Said Miona jokingly while pinching Yoda’s cheek. Yoda then
give her the puffed cheek look. “as an apology, I’ll let you borrow my Switch
for a week.” Said Miona trying to cheer Yoda up. “Really?? Thank you.” Said Yoda,
who suddenly cheered up and not wrapped under a blanket. “but promise me you do
all your assignment.” Said Miona. “un.” Said Yoda while nodding.
I’ll go and get it now.” Said Miona while walking to the door. And when she
open the door……..
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